Monday, September 5, 2011

Social Media ---Who needs it?

The buzz about social media has grown from a buzz to a roar and it has many business owners asking the question "What if anything should I do with it"? In fact the questions flying around are dizzying... What is it? What can it do for my business? Why would I even consider social anything to my business strategy, after all its business, right? Let's look at these questions and perhaps we can come to some conclusions. First let's look at why we would even consider incorporating the social aspect into our business strategy.

Why Social Media?

A story ran back in 2005 in  Bloomberg Businessweek entitled "Social Media Will Change Your Business".
Interestingly rather than getting buried under the massive amounts of shared communication, today it continues to be read and re-read even leading to its authors updating the information and continuing to make it available to curious readers. It mentions the importance blogging has had on forming the way we share today. In fact blogging has had such an impact that it has shaped how we do business today. Let's look at the facts...


164 MILLION - Number of active blogs.
695 MILLION - Number of Facebook users.
148+ MILLION - Number of Linkedin users.
140 MILLION - Number of tweets created each day.
2.5 BILLION - Number of visits Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn together received in one month alone.

Over 3 MILLION people are connected and auto-sharing to at least one social network.

How did blogs do all this?

As bloggers read each other, comment, and link from one page to the next, they create a global conversation. While the worldwide web records or catalogs what we have learned, the blog can track what's on our minds. Think of the implications... businesses are getting an up-to-the-minute read on what the world is thinking.

 So what does this have to do with social media?

 According to our statistics, over 3 MILLION people are connected and auto-sharing to at least one social network. Says Jeff Weiner, past senior vice-president at Yahoo, "Never in the history of market research has there been a tool like this."

eMarketer estimates that 57.5 percent of internet users, or 127 million people, will use a social network at least once a month in 2010. By 2014, nearly two-thirds of all internet users, or 164.9 million people, will be regular users of social networks.

Many think of social sharing as a form of frivolous conversation among bored and mostly young users but statistics are showing this is not so.  In business when you and your subscribers share your email marketing with online social networks, the average consumer you're reaching is 37 years old. And the top reasons for sharing: product information and recommendations...interesting!

Socially we interact, share our experience, our likes and dislikes for all the world to see. Our friends interact and do the same.  It is somewhat like the illustration from the movie "Pay It Forward". In the movie was a question raised, " Is it possible for one idea to change the world?" I believe one person sharing with another CAN change the world and social  media interaction is creating the environment where its happening.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Celebration Dinner and Training

You and your team members are cordially invited to join your leadership team in a celebration of joy, accomplishment and vision. Our annual Celebration Dinner and Training at the XANGO GO 2011 Convention will be Friday, the 16th of September, 2011 at 6:30 in the evening in the historic national landmark, The Hotel Utah (also called the Joseph Smith Memorial Building) on the corner of East Temple and South Temple, just 2 blocks from the Salt Palace. Sit down dining in a top floor room with breathtaking views of downtown Salt Lake City. Visits from our beloved Founders, Corporate Executives, and Staff. Recognition of top performers. PLUS training segments presented by each of your leadership partners. For an elegant evening of dining, celebration, perspective and growth, please join us. To purchase your tickets and indicate menu choice, click Buy Now.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

The Money Game

We've all heard about  some famous rich people who have become wealthy as a result of the network they built. We've heard stories about Bill Gates (Microsoft), Sam Walton (Walmart) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon).

Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad had a hero who became very rich by building his own network. This man is better known for the product he perfected, but really became rich because of the network he built across the world. Even today, many of us think Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but  really he only improved and perfected the light bulb. His true stroke of genius was to create a company that strung electrical lines that allowed the light bulb to penetrate society. His network made him, Thomas Edison, a multimillionaire!

Most of us are not a Thomas Edison, a Bill Gates, a Sam Walton or a Jeff Bezos, but we want to create the same wealth for ourselves. Robert Kiyosaki in his book The Business of the 21st Century, makes the valid point (Asset #4) that Network Marketing offers millions of people the opportunity to build their own network and create the same wealth created by Thomas Edison and the rest of the famous multimillionaires!

Rich Dad said “The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else looks for work.” The model of network marketing is that all owners of their own network can create their own wealth. I am so happy to have discovered this business model and to have developed  a network.

Of course, the key is to build your own network. It doesn’t happen just by JOINING a network marketing company, you have to work to BUILD it.

How excited are you to have the same advantages as Thomas Edison and Sam Walton, and how strongly are you are committed to creating that same level of wealth for yourself?

NOW what I'd like to show you by example in this video is an example of the power of a network and the power of exponential growth. Lets take a look shall we?
I hope you can see that being the owner and builder of your own network is so much better than spending your life working for someone else’s network.